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(주)딥인사이트가 AI EXPO 2023에서 In-Cabin Monitoring System과 ToF 카메라, 그리고 Orbbec의 제품들을 선보였습니다.
현장에서는 인공지능 기술을 기반으로 한 3D 차량 실내 모니터링 시스템 ICMS(InCabin Monitoring Solution)과 거리측정 ToF 카메라, 그리고 부피측정 솔루션 VMS(Volume measurement system)을 선보였습니다.

ICMS (In-Cabin Monitoring System) is based on artificial intelligence technology and a 3D sensing camera.
The ICMS has been enhanced in terms of functionality, reliability, and compatibility from the Driver Monitoring System (DMS).
It has been gaining market attention as an innovative monitoring solution technology for future mobility safety needs.

As EURONCAP introduces the 2025 regulations in the European market, the adoption of Driver Monitoring System (#DMS) solutions will be enforced by legislation.
Gradually, the legal requirements for DMS solutions are expected to expand into markets such as China, the United States, and Asia, among others, on a global scale. 

▶ 관련기사 바로가기: 딥인사이트, AI EXPO 2023에서 인공지능 3D 센싱 솔루션 선보여 (물류신문, 2023.5. 17)