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  • Deep-In-Sight x Seoul Mobility Show 2023


Deep-In-Sight Co., Ltd.'s In-Cabin Monitoring System (ICMS) is a state-of-the-art technology that uses advanced artificial intelligence to analyze driver behavior and safety in real-time.

The innovative #InCainMonitoringSystem can detect a range of driver behaviors such as fatigue, distraction, and drowsiness!

At the #SeoulMobilityShow2023, the ICMS received attention from popular media outlets, including Aving News, which were impressed by its advanced features and cutting edge-technology.

The sales leader, Frank Kyungsuk Oh, provided a detailed explanation of the ICMS, highlighting its benefits and potential applications in the automotive industry.

If you have any inquiries about the ICMS, do not hesitate to email us: sales@dinsight.ai.