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  • Showcase our VMS Solution at Smart Factory + Automation World 2023


Deep-In-Sight Showcased our cutting edge In-Cabin Monitroing System and Volume Management System at Smart Factory + Automation World 2023

Deep-In-sight Co.,Ltd, a specialized company in 3D sensing solutions based on artificial intelligence, led by CEO Eun-song Oh, participated in the '2023 Smart Factory Automation Industry Exhibition (SF+AW2023)' and showcased two volume measurement solutions (Volume Management System, VMS) using 3D cameras and an In-Cabin Monitoring System (ICMS) for driver vehicle monitoring, which includes its 3D Time of Flight (ToF) camera technology.

Deep-In-sight Co.,Ltd got great attention from industry stakeholders when they first introduced the 'DIV-VS-Silo' and 'Parcel Box Volume Measurement' VMS solutions, which allow for real-time, precise measurement of grain volume inside silos and parcel boxes. The DIV-VS-Silo solution uses the company's self-developed 3D ToF (Time-of-flight) camera inside silos, which enables real-time monitoring of the loading status, height, weight, and maximum loading capacity of grain. The system is modular and can be adjusted based on the size of the silo and the volume of the grain.

The 'Parcel Box Volume Measurement' VMS solution measures the width, height, and length of various-sized parcel boxes in real-time when captured by the camera. This solution is expected to increase logistics efficiency through optimal placement of items during storage and transportation. The company also introduced parts of its ICMS, which addresses issues such as narrow viewing angles, careless observation, and problems with facial recognition-based driver monitoring systems (DMS), and combines AI technology with the DMS technology. Compared to existing DMS, the ICMS system is expected to respond positively to the demand for future mobility safety solutions in terms of functionality, stability, and compatibility.

Eun-song Oh(Lucas Oh), CEO of Deep-In-Sight Co.,Ltd said, "I am pleased to introduce our company's independently developed VMS and ICMS solutions using our unique technology at the 2023 Smart Factory Automation Industry Exhibition and receive positive responses from industry stakeholders. We will do our best to grow as an artificial intelligence-based 3D sensing solution specialist, leading the domestic and international smart factory and mobility markets based on our differentiated technical capabilities and know-how."

Deep-In-Sight Co.,Ltd develops next-generation vision systems for the 4th industrial market, including mobility, smart factories, robotics and smart home appliances, using technology that includes AI models optimized for lightweight and optimal 3D ToF camera modules. Since its establishment in 2020, Deep-In-Sight Co.,Ltd has been growing as a differentiated technology leader in the 3D sensing industry.

▶Read more in Korean: 
딥인사이트, ‘2023 스마트공장 자동화산업전’에서 인공지능 기반 3D 카메라 부피 측정 솔루션 선보여 (매일경제, 2023.3.13)